Embed your live stream on Twitter

Okay, so we know that you can embed your stream on a website or blog (I’m sure you can see my stream hangin’ out in the right sidebar). But did you know that you can embed your stream on Twitter? Here’s an example,


Crazy! If you set it up right, your live stream will play in twitter without the user ever having to switch to Twitch. Now, of course the goal is to get them into your stream so they can chat – but this is a great way to attract new users who haven’t seen your stream yet. Once they see you live on twitter, they’ll realize how awesome you are and click the link to your stream!

Before we get into the detail’s I’d love to thank DaOpa who explained it first on his Twitch Blog. If you have a website with FTP upload you can follow his method. But if you are just a lil pleb like me, I’ll show you how to do this without spending a dime on a domain… Additionally – if you aren’t the type to DIY, fill out the form at the end of this blog and I will do this all for you! As a thanks for reading this 🙂

The Code

Here’s the code that I’m using. Note that this has my information in it for demonstration purposes, but I have highlighted the lines that you need to change.

<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://i2.wp.com/twitchhelp.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/icon.png?ssl=1&w=450" />
<meta name="twitter:card" content="player" />
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Pods is LIVE!" />
<meta name="twitter:description" content="Hey I'm live right meow, come chill" /> <meta name="twitter:player" content="https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=PODSOFWAR&html5&muted=true&quality=mobile" />
<meta name="twitter:player:width" content="360" />
<meta name="twitter:player:height" content="200" />
<title> >^..^< </title>
<body> I'm live right meow! Join the Podsitivity </body>
  • Line 3 – You’ll need to link the profile picture that you want to use, it must be a square image. Add it after content=”
  • Line 5 – Add a generic Title for your card after content=”.
  • Line 6 – Add a generic description after content =” This won’t show in your tweet, I think it’s for Twitter’s approval process.
  • Line 6 – edit the URL with your channel name. ie delete “podsofwar” and replace with your Twitch username.
  • Line 9 – Add a title for your webpage. I’m not sure this is completely necessary, but it doesn’t hurt to have.
  • Line 11 – Add a body for your webpage. Again, I’m not sure this is completely necessary, but it doesn’t hurt to have.

Okay, where do I post this HTML?

Okay,  so we’re going to need to paste this HTML on the internet somewhere. But that doesn’t mean you need to pay for a website! What I did was, I created a free blog on blogger.com. This blog doesn’t actually have any content, it’s just holding the HTML for me. So go ahead and sign up for a free blog, it takes about 5 minutes. After you are registered, you’ll want to create a new “Page” (not a new Post) and paste in the HTML from above. (Don’t click the “compose” slider on the top left, keep this at HTML). Once you’ve done that click “Publish” on the top right hand side.

Once you’ve published you’ll be sent back to a list of your Pages. Hover over the page that you made, (it could be called untitled, or whatever title you gave it) and select “View”. Example:


Here’s your webpage! Don’t mind what the page looks like – what you need to do is copy the URL of this page. This is usually in the top left hand corner of your browser. This is what you will need for the next steps.

Get your card approved by Twitter

You need to submit your card to be approved by twitter. Good thing is that its very easy. Simply go to this website and paste in the URL you just copied. Twitter will look through the code and make sure its all fine and dandy. Now, chances are your blog is not already “whitelisted” so you won’t be able to generate a preview. Here’s what the log should say:

INFO: Page fetched successfully
INFO: 15 metatags were found
INFO: twitter:card = player tag found
WARN: Not whitelisted

Press “request approval” and it will ask you your name, email, and twitter username. Now you wait for an email from Twitter. But don’t worry! Both times this happened to me my card was accepted by the next day. I received an email in my inbox so be sure to use a real email address when signing up!

So… my card is approved now what? 

Now its time to tweet! You’ll need the URL of your blog page, (the one you copied above). Paste that into your tweet, along with whatever you want to say and voilà! You have embedded your stream into Twitter. Here’s what it looks like initially:


And then whenever someone clicks the “play” button, the tweet expands to look like this:


This allows anyone to watch your stream straight from twitter. If they like what they see, the video also acts like a hyperlink to your channel! I think this feature is an awesome new way to stand out in a Twitter feed. This is also a better way to share your stream than simply posting your twitch link (Because the titles, pictures, and game you are playing are usually outdated!).

Let me do it for you

As promised, as a thank you for reading my blog I’m totally willing to do all the hard work for you in getting this set up! Simply fill out the form here and I will email you a URL to use to embed your stream. I’ll do the HTML, I’ll host it on my fake blogger site (not this one – FYI for some reason this method doesn’t work with free WordPress blogs), and I’ll email you the URL that you can tweet out.

Taco Cat out. 

How to grow your channel in a ‘No Self Promotion’ world

When I first started streaming in September 2016 I felt like I had all the right qualities of being a great streamer – but I couldn’t showcase them because I didn’t have any viewers. I streamed everyday for an entire month and at the end of it I still only had 2-3 viewers (myself, nightbot, and sillysilverbar). Sure, it’s easy to talk to an active chat room, but how can you stay entertaining when no one is there? Today I’m going to give you some tangible things that you can start to do to grow your audience while remaining authentic. Today, about six months later, I have 1,200 followers and average around 30-40 viewers playing popular titles. We’ve still got a ways to go, but if you read below I’ll explain how you can get there too.

Create a Twitter account.
While there are many important social media platforms, Twitter will be your #1 go to. You might be thinking that a Twitter account is for your followers, and that’s sort of true; but it’s insanely helpful in connecting with other streamers, game developers, and brands that may want to partner with you.

  • Create an account, and make it the same name as your channel for consistency.
  • Tweet every time you go live with a link to your stream. To stand out, in the timeline use a clever gif or image. (bossjoy’s timeline is an amazing example)
  • Tag the developer. If you are playing an indie game you should tag the developer to let them know. They are usually easy to find and eager for free publicity. (ex.)
  • Post a stream recap where you thank your raids / hosts. I try and do this after every stream! This strengthens your relationship with other streamers and shows them that you were appreciative of their raid. I also link the streamer that I passed the host along to. We are all growing streamers here, so promoting somebody else’s stream is a surefire way to develop a friendship. (ex.)

Get Involved in a Community
It is so important to have friends that are streamers! The easiest way to do this is by joining a streaming community. There is so much value in getting to talk one on one with other streamers and ask questions. I’m a part of Caster Cafe, which is a community for streamers, viewers, and graphic artists. There’s a lot a community can offer, and it will be whatever you take from it. If you want to make friends and chat all day you can, but since I work full-time, I pretty much stick to the questions/help and news/deals sections for when I need answers about tech, or when I can help someone else out. At the end of the day, its nice to know that you have a family on Twitch that’s got your back – and when you run into someone else from your community, you instantly feel a bit connected to them as well.

Play with strangers, off stream
Before we were streamers, we were gamers. Take a break from streaming once in a while to play just for you, without entertaining anyone. This is also a great way to make new friends through LFG websites (looking for group). Many of my best viewers (and eventual mods) started out as friends through one-on-one gaming. Also, be sure to play with your mods every now and again they deserve one on one interaction with you for all that they do.

Ask your friends and family to lurk
When playing a popular game, view count is important. The higher the view count, the higher you are in the directory, and the increased likelihood that you will be clicked on. Send your link to people you trust and ask them to “leave a tab open” while they browse the web at home. They don’t have to be watching, or even have the audio on – but they are still supporting you in spirit.

Watch the bottom of the list
I am a Destiny streamer. A lot of the time I will go out of my way to watch streamers with 3-4 people in their chat room. If they seem like nice people, I will strike up a conversation and give them a follow. You don’t ever have to mention that you are a streamer (and please don’t) – just try and develop a relationship and see if you will become friends. They’ll probably find out you are a streamer eventually, but its fun to be “undercover”. If you like them, and you feel that your “brand” agrees with theirs, put them on a “host list” of people that you can raid later. If you want to be a sucessful twitch streamer, you must also be a twitch viewer.

Follow your followers
This is probably my favorite, but also most secret tip. I even hesitated writing it down here… and that’s to follow the people that follow you on twitch. If you have follower emails going to your inbox – just click on their name! If they have a twitter profile I give them a follow, and if it seems like they are streaming consistently then I follow them on twitch as well. They are supporting me, so why shouldn’t I support them also? Its going to strengthen that relationship and hey – maybe you’ll be able to partner up and do a multi or talk show together. If anything you’ll be able to host them as a thank you for connecting with you. I’ve never had anyone get upset that I took the extra step to find their twitter and connect with them. Hey, if Taylor Swift can stalk her fans – so can you.

Thank your offline follows
Send a whisper to thank people that followed you offline! When someone follows you while you are live you get to say thanks and possibly ask them a question. But when you are not streaming, you lose that personal touch. I like to send a whisper welcoming them to my community and chat a bit so that they remember me!

Stay kind, and stay real.
As you can see, my methods of growing my channel revolve around helping others. However, these “tactics” arose organically with the best intentions and a desire to be kind and helpful. The advice above will only work if you remain true to yourself, positive, and authentic. Don’t befriend anyone just because you think they will give your stream more momentum. Its really rude, and they’ll be able to tell right away.

Phew, I feel like I have so much more advice to give, but this article is already so long! I hope I have given you some tangible tips that you can implement into your stream today! Let me know in the comments what you think about this first blog, if it helped you, or if there’s anything specific you want me to write about. If you want email notifications of my articles please consider “following” this blog (there’s a button in the sidebar).

Thank you so much for reading, I’m off! Taco cat out.

❤ Pods 


Hi Everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Pods, and I have been streaming consistently on twitch.tv for about 6 months. In that time, I have soaked up so much information about moderation, community, bots, technology, and networking through twitch. Through a lot of research, I have been able to build my channel into an amazing community that I am proud of (shoutout to all the #podsquad reading this).

Now that I am in the groove of things, I decided to create this blog to help others along that are either just beginning, or want to learn more about how Twitch works. In this blog I will post new twitch features and how to use them, as well as reviews from my favorite integrations and setups. If there is anything that you’d like me to cover, or have a question about please let me know!

That said, if you have any suggestions on items that I should cover please let me know! Take a look around and I’ll be back tomorrow with our first official blog post.

Taco Cat out.